



Investor Protection

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            MULTEX is a software solution developed by CMC Ltd., for trading through electronic media. This software is unique of its kind in connecting with multiple exchanges simultaneously. The software is successfully implemented at CSBL (Cochin Stock Brokers Limited). Some of the features of MULTEX are.

  • Trading with multiple exchanges simultaneously :: CSBL is now connected through MULTEX with NSE & BSE. Brokers and Traders can trade through MULTEX with the exchange to which they are registered. If a broker is registered with both the exchange, he can trade with both the exchange simultaneously.

  • Client Registration :: This feature makes sure that a Broker/Trader registers his Client with the respective exchange. The Client can be registered by providing any of the following of his PAN Number, Passport Number, Driving License Number, Voter Identity Card Number, SEBI Registration Number. A Broker/Trader can do trade only for those clients who are registered under him and to the exchange to which he is registered.

  • ARIBITAGE :: This feature enables a trader to do trade with more than one exchange simultaneously. A Broker/Trader registered with both NSE & BSE can buy from one exchange and sell in another exchange simultaneously.

  • BBO Scrip Detail :: BEST BID OFFER (BBO) offers the best 5 (buy/sell) rates for a scrip thus giving the benefit to the brokers to decide upon the rate at which he wants his order to enter the market.

  • BBO Query :: This feature provides a scrip�s Year high price, Year low price, Last traded price, open price, ceil and floor limit.

  • Market Movement :: This information is available every half hour during the trading hours. This gives the information like � the total buy, total sell through which a Broker/Trader can understand the trend for the scrip in the market.

  • Trader Limits :: Limit is the amount to which a Broker/Trader can do trade. Limit is assigned to the Broker to the exchanges to which he is registered. A Broker can set the limit of the traders under him.

  • MTM :: Market To Market is the gain or loss a Broker/Trader makes for a scrip exchange wise with respect to the last traded price.

  • NetPosition � The position of a Broker/Trader is available during his trading enabling him to know his trades with various exchanges. Client wise Net position is also available.

  • INDEX value :: The index value for NSE/BSE is available from the time the trading starts till he logout. The change is reflected at real time basis. A provision is provided at the Traders end to calculate the % Index change with respect to Index Open value or Previous Index Close.

  • INDEX History :: This provides previous 5 days index value thus enabling a Broker/Trader to understand the market trend.

  • Graph :: NSE & BSE graph shows the market fluctuation for the day.

  • Alerts :: Broker/Trader can set alerts. Some of the features in ALERT are - He can set alert on trade, how his net positions is to be calculated, alert him if a scrip goes above/below the value specified by him, ask him for confirmation before deleting any scrip.

  • NEWS :: News from NSE & BSE is available to the Broker/Trader through this feature.

  • Top 10 Gainers/Losers, Scrips by Value, Volume and Trade :: The top 10 Gainers/Losers, Scrips by Value, Volume and Trade is available to the Broker/Trader.

  • Message to Broker :: Message to broker is a feature where in a message from CSBL can be given to all Brokers/Trader

